Dettagli prodotto

HSG 800

Centrifuga vibrante scorrevole


Tipo: HSG 800

Produttore: Siebtechnik

Denominazione: Centrifuga vibrante scorrevole

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The sliding discharge centrifuge is our most powerful centrifuge when it comes to solid quantity throughput. The solid material is transported through the strainer of the conically expanding bowl via the interaction of inclination and axial vibration of the bowl.

For a controlled sliding speed, the inclination angle must be slightly smaller than the sliding friction angle of the product to be dehydrated - the axial vibration acceleration is sufficient to overcome the remaining difference in product friction on the strainer. Since the design limits of vibration acceleration are relatively limited, sliding discharge centrifuges generally need to be operated with centrifugal accelerations below 120 G.

Primarily, they are suitable for coarse-grained or otherwise easily dehydratable mass materials, such as washed fine coal, middlings or washed smalls in mineral coal processing, for solution and washing residues in potash processing, sea salt, concrete sand, etc.

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I vostri vantaggi

  • Più di 60 anni di esperienza
  • Revisione generale
  • Nuovo sistema di controllo PLC
  • Qualità top
  • Banco di prova
  • Possibilità di risparmio fino al 70%
  • Accensione/integrazione dei processi
  • Con garanzia
  • Assistenza post-vendita
  • Consulenza su tutti i produttori

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